March 22, 2011

Wipes Clutch

Babies are messy creatures. 

Any excuse to plaster my son's image all over this blog!

As a (somewhat fashionable) mum, I am always looking for ways to make my life a little more glam.  Even the messiest chores can be spiffed-up with a little fabric and a hot glue gun.

I used a baby wipes clutch tutorial to transform a lackluster wipes case into a chic clutch.  It was so much fun to make, I thought I'd make another for a friend who is expecting her daughter any day now!

I was fortunate to receive stacks of hand-me-down wash cloths.  I use them in place of wipes at home, but for a while I was still buying the disposables for my diaper bag stash.  I discovered that these cases are roomy enough to hold five pre-moistened (I mix a drop of baby body wash with a cup of warm water) cloths!  Great for wiping bums but also handy for sticky fingers.  That's my little eco-friendly tip of the day :)

Yes, a wipes case needs bling.
 Wiping and diapering has never looked so stylish.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Anne - you can add a drop of an essential oil (tea tree oil or lavender) to your wipe solution...
